Friday, May 15, 2009

Tagged once again

I actually got tagged a little while back, and neglected to post quickly... oh well, better late than never. I figured I didn't really have much to post about, so I might as well play this tagging game. So the rules of this tag are to name 6 seemingly unimportant things that make you happy. Then tag 6 more people.

This is actually kind of hard to think of... because there are lots of things that make me happy, but I think most of them are pretty important. I will try though to think of 6 things...

#1- Having the closet doors all the way shut at night. No, I'm not still afraid of monsters. It's just one of those things that distracts me sometimes when I am trying to fall asleep, so when they are shut I don't think about it, which in turn makes me happy! haha. Alex can tell you that I am getting a little more used to the fact that they don't always need to be completely closed.

#2-Having a clean car. I know it's not life or death if my car isn't clean, but when it is clean, it just makes me happy! I used to wash it all the time!

#3- Having a partner to do things with. I like having someone to go to the grocery store with me, running other errands, someone to work out with, I just like doing things with people more than by myself. I do enjoy a little alone time. Being around people makes me more happy though.

#4- When my toes are perfectly painted. It just bugs when the paint is chipped, it makes my feet not so cute... So a fresh coat of paint always makes me happy, even though it's not that important.

#5- A full bottle of honey always makes me happy. I know it's not hard, but refilling the honey bear is no fun, and I can't just buy new bears because Grandma Clinton hooks me up with bulk of the good stuff.

#6- Coupons! Even when it's only like 25 cents off, it makes me happy to think I am not paying full price for something...haha. I think we all like saving money, even if we end up spending more to use a coupon...haha, those buy 1 get one half off always gets me, especially when I only needed one!

Well, I managed to think of 6 things that aren't really that important, but hey, they make me happy. I think that's it, because everything else that makes me happy is super important!

If you feel so inclined to challenge yourself to thinking of 6 things that make you happy, and are seemingly unimportant...then do it!

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