...some very important things have been done.
Yeah... it's sad to confess, but I must.
It's been a month since I've been to the gym.
Thankfully, I have lost weight, not gained... how weird is that?
I really have no excuse at this point,
but I just keep telling myself it's okay to wait
another day, and so on.
It's been a month since I've actually cooked a real meal,
from scratch and good ingredients.
We have not been starving, but I have
definitely not been cooking.
Part of the reason is because Grandma passed,
one less person to cook for,
and Alex hasn't been around for dinner because of work.
Then there were many weekends of being gone.
And honestly, I don't think we've been eating out a bunch.
I just do quick meals to take less than 10 minutes.
Pizza, pancakes, quesadillas, taquitos, corn dogs.
That all sounds really healthy right? haha.
So come Monday, I am thawing out some chicken,
busting out some salad, and mixing up veggies or something.
If it weren't for our wonderful mothers and inviting
us for Sunday meals, we probably didn't
really get much nutrition like we needed this month.
It's been a month (as of the 21st), since Grandma Miller
passed away.
Honestly, it amazes me its been a month.
Its been pretty quiet with her gone,
not that she was loud, but I really just miss her company.
I kind of miss knowing I needed to come home
to make a nice meal for us, and spend time with her.
Like I said, I just can't believe its been a month.
Well, now that I have made 2 big confessions,
I guess it's time to fix that!
But I will wait until Monday for that...haha.
Some highlights from recent that I should mention....
My youngest Brother JASON,
turned 18 on the 17th of this month.
Totally weird thinking he's 18,
and will be starting college soon. wow!
Super exciting though!
Jason, amongst many things,
absolutely love JELLO.
That boy eats a lot of jello.
For his birthday dinner,
I attempted a 7-layer Jello salad.
It ended up being 6 layers, basically rainbowed together.
It tasted delicious,
but didn't look like a picture perfect sort of thing.
Either way, I must say that I was
pretty proud of the finished product.
I even got Alex to take a picture for me!

Also, last weekend,
My friend Kresta invited me to go see
The Time Traveler's Wife
with her.
I personally enjoyed it.
I was surprised at first by the naked backside of a man,
but I guess his clothes don't travel with him.
So you have now been warned.
Overall, a sweet movie.
Let's see...
other exciting stuff.
Alex started another exciting semester of college.
Some pre-reqs for a business major.
Accounting, Statistics, Macroeconomics, and online golf.
I know he's not really super excited,
but he's not completely dreading it either.
He actually came home yesterday excited
to share something with me from his econ class.
YAY! I was pretty happy.
Let's hope it's a successful semester.
Although I have been slacking in the
cooking and exercising department,
I have been blooming in the cleaning department.
We live day to day having the house clean enough
for potential buyers to come look at.
I have new records for the number of times
I have vacummed and mopped in one month.
I enjoy living in a clean home though.
Oh, a crazy story I should have shared sooner!
We had a crazy incidence with Alex's car.
On a Monday I took the car in to
get the oil changed for him, and then
he drove up to camp tuesday morning.
He didn't drive it until Saturday
when he was coming home.
He called and mentioned that his car was not good.
It wouldn't shift past 4th gear(automatic transmission),
and the check engine light was on.
Thankfully it could at least drive.
We discovered, after popping the hood,
a unique problem involving a rodent.
Alex believes it was a squirrel.
So while parked up at camp all week long,
a squirrel decided to take some insulation
and make a nice little nest
under the hood of his car
and enjoy some yummy wires while at it.
Fortunately we caught it fast enough,
unfortunately it was Saturday.
Monday morning though,
we were able to arrange having it worked on.
We were lucky the wires
could be soldered back together,
and didn't need to be replaced.
Thankfully pretty inexpensive.
It all worked out, but still,
kinda crazy!
Well, I think that brings us up to date.
Lots going on.
This weekend we are headed to Santa Maria
for my cousin Justin's homecoming.
He had finished his mission in Croatia,
and is now home!
We are so excited to see him,
and hear many wonderful stories!
Just a couple more months until Tyson is home!
WOW! You have been busy! I can't believe Justin is already home! Crazy! Can't wait for Tyson!
What a cute post! Glad you are doing well and hope all is ok with the Miller Family...losing a special someone is hard!
Thanks for the sweet comment left on my post! Brayden is one little inspiration to be around and has made my LIFE complete! I seriously never knew how much a child like him could change lives before my eyes! Heavenly Father couldn't of given us a better gift!
Tell the family hello this weekend...we are not going to be able to make the trip...Jared just got home from Japan and he is all messed up sleep wise...Kids have dance and soccer tomorrow...and school starts on Monday...so, I need my kids to just CHILL this weekend a little before the next routine starts! But I know it is going to be a great get together and I am counting on all my cousins to take LOTS of pics! Give Justin a big hug for us! Love ya guys!
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