Monday, October 12, 2009

Meet Jenna!

Monday Alex got to go to the Big Fresno Fair
with the special needs kids he works with.
On my way home from work,
I recieved a text message saying,
"I have a surprise for you when you get home."
I knew he had won something at the fair.
I shouldn't have been so surprised,
Alex always talks about getting a fish or some sort of animal.
So he did it, he won a goldfish!
We officially have our first pet!
Now I feel like one of those couples
that gets a pet to fill the void of no kids yet.
I think it's fairly common... haha.
So if this fish can survive, that is a good sign.

Here's the happy boy with the fish he won!

Of course we had to hurry and go get
a bowl and some food right away.
I said, as long as you let me take pictures!

We flipped a coin to find out if it was a boy or girl,
because we didn't know which we'd want.
We flipped boy, but ended up deciding we wanted a girl name.
We picked the name Jenna.

One of the girls in Alex's class
named her stuffed animal Alex,
so we decided to name our fish after her.
Love it!
I guess it would be weird now to name
a future child of ours, Jenna, and now I am
really starting to like it. oh well.

So that is our newest excitement!
That was Monday that Alex won Jenna,
and here it is wednesday
and the water already is pretty merky...
I am glad he agreed to clean the bowl.

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