Be ready for a picture overload!
With Jocelynn being our first little baby,
we have taken pictures almost everyday!
So here we go!
I did some maternity pics with my friend Kresta.
This was one of my favs...

This is me the day before she was born...
I was ready to pop!
Here we are at the hospital...
still smiling between contractions!
So I was due Wed, Sept. 29th...
started having contractions on Friday the 1st,
I thought for sure she would come on Saturday...
but nope.
I was originally scheduled to be induced
Sunday the 3rd, if she hadn't already come.
On Friday, the Dr. called and informed me
the main water line broke
at Clovis Community Hospital, and they
cancelled inductions for the weekend...
So we had to change the induction
Monday the 4th at 6:30 AM
Monday the 4th at 3:30 AM,
I woke up to use the restroom,
and thought possibly my water had broken...
but didn't know for sure.
As I got back in bed I noticed my contractions
were a little more uncomfortable
than they had been Friday.
Of course I couldn't fall back to sleep
because of the discomfort.
So around 5, I took my shower and started
getting ready to go.
At 6:30, Alex and I headed to the hospital.
My mom met us there.
When I checked in,
I said I was there for an induction...
but I was probably in labor already.
So we got settled in our room,
my Dr. came and checked me.
Sure enough my water was broken,
so he suggested some walking and seeing if we
could get things moving on their own.
I liked this idea very much!
I was progressing...
about 1/2cm each hour...
it felt like it was taking way too long though!
I had a lot of back labor,
and decided if it was moving so slowly,
I'd rather be comfortable.
Around 11:30 I got an epidural.
Thank goodness for that!
By 2:00 I was dilated 6cm,
and thought to myself-
will I ever reach 10?!
Around 4, I was really
getting uncomfortable again,
and had the nurse check me,
all of a sudden she says,
lets call the Dr., you are ready to go!
So that last couple cm's really flew by!
My mom, mom-in-law Donna, and Alex
were all there to support me
until our baby arrived.
At 5:40 PM, 8 lbs 5 oz,
Jocelynn Erin Miller
came into the world!
Now for all the fun pictures...
Daddy has already fallen in love
with our precious little girl!
Uncle Matt and Aunt Terra
were some of the first to meet her!
Grandma Miller is pretty excited!
Aunt Wendy...
Grandma Freeman.... also VERY excited!
Here she is on the 8th right before we brought
her home. She had to stay a couple extra days,
which made me sad, but glad she was taken care of.
The wonderful ladies in the nursery took good care of her,
they stuck a little bow on her head for her homecoming too!
She looks so tiny in the carseat...
I love holding this girl!
She is so content
and very sweet!
Aunt Emily
Aunt Meghann and Uncle Emy
Great Grandma Findlay
Aunt Katy
Uncle Tyson
Uncle Tyson's girlfriend Suzi
We were so excited for the opportunity to have
five generations in one room!
Here is Great Great Grandma Henriksen
she held Jocelynn for almost 2 hours!
What a special moment it was!
Also pictured is Jocelynn's Great Grandpa Henriksen
With Grandpa Miller...aka Sir.
First little nap in her crib...
First Bathtime!
Our little rollie pollie...
We are so in love with Jocelynn!
We feel blessed that she is healthy and strong!
It was been more than we ever could have asked for!
This coming Monday she will already be 4 weeks old!
Wow! I can't wait for all the coming months
and watching her grow!
She is a precious daughter of Heavenly Father,
and we feel so so blessed!!!
STACEY!! So exciting! She is beautiful! I hope you are enjoying mommy-hood!!
I enjoyed every one of these pictures. What a little doll baby.
PS I could see happiness written all over the Grandmas' faces. And so fun to see your Grandma Findlay, too.
She is so adorable, thanks for sharing the pictures. Can't wait to meet her!! You look like such a natural :)
Seriously Stacey you are glowing! What a beautiful family you have! And I love all the pictures. So good to see you tonight and I am so happy for you!
congrats Stacey!! She is so precious. I can't wait for our little guy to come into the world.
She is so cute Stacey can't wait to meet her!
She is so beautiful! Keep posting pictures and milestones. You will quickly forget how small and helpless they used to be so recording those memories are important. At least to me they are. Hope everything continues to go well for you guys1
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