Monday, February 7, 2011

Growing Growing!

Last month was quite an adventure.
Jocelynn and I were sick from
Christmas until about mid-january.
That was no fun for either of us,
and Alex who ended up sick too.
We went to the doctor and thankfully
just a virus to fight off, no infections.
Finally all the runny noses
and coughing went away.

I started reading a book called,
"On Becoming Babywise".
People had recommended it,
and I wish I would have listened sooner.
Donna ordered me the book,
since Jocelynn still wasn't
sleeping through the night at 3 months.

Of course, now she is 4 months,
and still not sleeping through the night,
but we are much improved with our
bedtime, and daily routine.
So I am happy.

Eventually we will get that
full 8+ hoursof sleep all in a row,
as for now,
I'm surviving on my 5 hour increments.

Jocelynn has such a cute personality developing.
When she is well rested,
she is quite the happy girl.
I love finding ways to make her laugh,
especially kissing all over her!

She is rolling over more,
but at times forget she knows how,
so I have to practice showing her.

The Grandma's are loving their days
of watching her, and the aunts too.
Its been a huge help having them take care
of Jocelynn now that I'm back at work.
The ladies I work with have helped
make going back to work enjoyable.
Since I work with all ladies,
I feel like all day we talk about babies,
when we're not talking dental stuff.
I also am allowed time to pump at work,
so Jocelynn can have the best food for her body.
I hope I can keep it up,
pumping gets very old,
but I know its good for our girl.

Recently I have been trying to go for more walks.
The poor puppies have been quite neglected
the last few months.
It's crazy trying to push a stroller
and walk 2 out of control dogs,
so I end up taking 1 at a time.
Jocelynn seems to enjoy the walks too,
even when it turns into a little jog.
I can't wait for it to warm up some more
so we can really enjoy the walks!

Last week we had our check up
so heres the growing stats:

4 months

15 lbs. 4 oz.
25 1/2 inches

now for pictures of this cutie!!!

enjoying a magazine with dad. lol.

Grandma Miller has been at work
with her yarn this winter...

some adoreable bathtime,
tough cleaning all those
I love my rollie pollie!

One of Jocelynn's favorite toys...
the elephant that sings!
You can do it over 20 times in a row
and she coos and "sings" with it
an outfit from Great Grandpa Henriksen...
so we had to do a little photoshot
to send him some pictures of her.

Getting bundled and ready for the sunshine
on our walks!
Our big girl yesterday before church
with her daddy.

and of course a picture with mommy too!

At church yesterday,
the most adoreable moment.
During the closing hymn of relief society,
sweet little Jocelynn started
singing along with us.
It was so cute!
She was just cooing with
all us singing sisters.

At bedtime I sing Jocelynn
a goodnight song,
and recently she has been
"singing" along with me.
Its so precious.
I think someday she is really
going to enjoy singing.

So there is our update more January....
hopefully I stay more on top of it this year...
but isn't that what we always say? lol.


donnam said...

Those are such cute pictures!!! Oh how I love that little girl!!!!

kelly said...

She is really very cute, I love chunky little babies!