This weekend Alex and I made a quick trip to Huntington Beach. He was so sweet to go with me. My friend Rachel, (we went to Dental Hygiene School together) moved to Texas in January. Well, her father-in-law passed away a few weeks ago, so she is taking care of everything that needs to be done before she heads back to Texas. I figured taking a 5 hour trip was much better than a flight to Texas. I am so glad we got to go see her, her baby, and her mom. We left Saturday, got back Sunday, so it really was a quick trip.
So we haven't seen eachother since January. Her little baby Urijah is almost 7 months old now, and oh my goodness, he is so stinkin' cute! Rachel and I had lots of visiting to do, so it was tons of fun!
Here's some roadtrip pictures.
Of course we had to walk on the pier.
I wish I could capture his cuteness in the pictures. He is such a happy kid. Loves making noises, he's very strong and just has fun playing!

I am so glad we got to spend time with them. Thanks Alex for driving me the whole way there and back. He only has Saturday & Sundays off and yet he was willing to sacrifice so that I didn't have to go alone. I love Alex!
I already miss you Rachel, it was so fun catching up!
Such a great weekend!
It looks like you two had a wonderful weekend. It's so beautiful there! I hope you got your baby fix for a while.
Stacey! You are so cute! I'm glad you guys had a great time!
I am so sorry to hear about Charlene. I was so sad when I saw that she had passed away. I truly LOVED her, she was very special and always made me feel that way too.
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